No, we are not pregnant in the way you think, so relax. LOL!
For those who do not know us, Carolyn and I started our journey with a very supernatural God and Father 40 years ago. We have an amazing son of promise who is mighty in God.
Our history is littered with supernatural acts of God, and His leading, provision, and protection…and many tests and trials, the greatest of them the past year. But something grand and beautiful has been birthed from this trial, and we have been lifted into the love and revelation of that great cloud of witnesses who are cheering us on from the grandstands of heaven.
For months now I have been so stirred with a holy stirring so deep within my innermost being that has me awakened by early fourth watch (that’s between 3-6AM). I commit my day to the Lord, grab my decaf coffee ( yep decaf!), and begin writing almost immediately — howbeit, on my phone! It works for me (LOL). I can lay in bed and write for 2-3 hours before sunrise and feel so alive when I finally make it to my living room.
You say, what is Carolyn doing all this time. She’s sleeping of course, and rightfully so. She is still recovering from her seven surgeries and on heavy meds, which make her real sleepy. Besides, she’s never been a morning person like moi. I open my eyes and I’m awake. She gets out of bed and can’t talk for at least 30 minutes, or at least until she has her coffee ( you guessed it, caffeine!). I love that woman! She is the cutest morning person ever!
We are both living with such a sense of purpose right now and coming into the fulness of our calling, as are some of you. I turned to her Sunday in church and said, “Have you ever felt such a sense of completeness in all your life?” We must understand our times and seasons.
Just as each of you, we were all born for such a time as we are in now — both challenging and exciting. Don’t give up, because like old Job in the Bible, after being tested, you will come out anointed with a fresh new power and glory. Great glory always comes out of great challenge and suffering if you refuse to accuse.
Don’t blame God or become bitter as Job’s friends tried to persuade him to do. Birthing comes forth from travail. A woman’s pain and sorrow turns to joy when the baby is born.
I have just submitted my newest book, The Supernatural Church of Love and Power, for publishing, and am now scanning many images for a captivating cover. Baby number one, or is it 13?, will soon be born. However, in the middle of our pain, the Great Physician determined that there were twins in me. In the middle of the pregnancy a second baby was detected, and we called it, The Coming Restoration. It is also nearing completion and will soon be delivered. It is a thorough, weighty, and very practical blueprint of what the Lord is currently doing in both His global and local body.
In every cycle of fertility there seems to be another book. Let’s just say, I’m very fertile right now, like no other time in my life with God. I am very familiar with fertility. I’ve been trained over the many years of serving God, to recognize seasons when I’m being impregnated with powerful godly seed. I draw away more into seclusion and isolation during such times. I protect myself during early pregnancy so the enemy won’t steal or abort that which is within me.
Anyway, enough of me. That’s just another update for our true friends who know our hearts and know us in the Spirit.
To God be the glory, and to my wife be the commendation, because it is much of her prayers that has given birth to these 14 babies, called books. I believe she will receive the greater reward. But these last two are very special because of the circumstances surrounding their birth.
I hope each of you that reads this post will get a copy. First one will be out in January sometime. The second will shortly follow. I believe your perspective of the Church, the Ekklesia of God, as they say, will either be greatly altered and/or renewed.
Merry Christmas!
I love you all so much. ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥