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PROPHECY IN PRAYER (transcription): Carolyn Farias

Writer's picture: Bert FariasBert Farias

It’s necessary for utterances and the move of God to come forth the way that He desires.

For something is at stake here (yes, I remember that and I’ll bring it forth so he’ll know where I’m going)

I remember, Father, the dream of Bert swimming around the foundations of ministries and things and even moves. For it is then that he sees and he recognizes…

You give us that ability to go and circle around in the Spirit and inspect to see how things were built. For if the foundation is wrong so shall be the structure, and so shall be the ease by which the enemy will come in and destroy that which is built upon that wrong foundation.

And so He takes us in that way now… (tongues)

For it is important for what He wants to do and establish here, and so He will deal individually with pastors and ministries. It will not only affect their lives and the people they minister to, but also for the calling and the move of God that He’s wanted to bring to this region.

(Tongues…receiving His mind…ok, I’ll go there more…)

Discernment and the foundation

For everything must be founded on Christ, the solid Rock, the Sure Foundation, the Cornerstone.

The beginnings and the ministry gifts…

Yes, that is what the Holy Spirit does…

So much activity and so many things He was doing on the earth in the beginning… how He protected the Church when Ananias and Sapphira wanted to corrupt the move of God that was going on and for the apostles to go and be sent into the world.

And how a door was guarded by a move of the Spirit through a man who operated in the Spirit, Peter.

And how the apostle Paul, once Saul, was brought into the order of heaven through all that he did, in even persecuting the Church. He was brought before one, Stephen, who was used and set apart and set in place by God.

Even the order of the Church who put him there at the direction of the apostles and how prayer and the Word was to be first. Order was brought to the Church in that place and how it set Stephen in order and he was put in a place where he would set Saul’s life in order.

For there is a moving of the Spirit… everything worked together… connections … how the HS put this in order and sets that in place, and that one gets in place and sets that one in order.

But nothing is set in order unless Christ is the Rock and the Foundation, and the HS is allowed to move and direct as He was sent to do, and how the gifts move.


Oh, that My people would believe that I am the One who ended Ananias and Sapphira’s life as they were attacking that which was born of Me! Oh, how it would be if My Church understood the authority and the words that I spoke and released!

Utterances that came even to My Son … direction and how they are changing, thinking they know better and that their wisdom is greater than that which is of My Son, of which He spoke My words and My commandments!

This is the foundation! This is the beginning when My Son said things like: This is how you deal with sin in the Church; how you go to this one first and confront them, and if they don’t repent then you take him before two others, and if they still don’t repent, how you bring them before the church. This is order, and this is My Word. This is the true foundation and those who listen and obey the Word of God that is written, the Holy Spirit works with My Word, He is called the Spirit of truth, and that is how these things were moving in the beginning of My Church in that hour and in that day. And so it must be in this time and in this season where I am the Author and Finisher of their faith.

For My words are higher and to be obeyed before man’s wisdom and counsel and knowledge. Didn’t I even say in the Old Testament in Psalms 1 of how to stand and how to sit and whose counsel you are listening to?

But look at the result of the one who hearkens to only My counsel.

There’s power there… there’s healing there… (tongues…)

And so it is… and so there’s direction.

If you want to see, and if you want to be protected, if you want this which is born of God and that which I’m bringing and that which is ordained of Me to be protected then you must return to the pattern for it has not changed and the counsel is still the same. Hearken unto the voice of your God. Listen and do and obey those words that are written, and then you shall have that which you’ve seen in the early Church… that protection and that multiplication.

For even that which you preached this past weekend how it is My order for My ministers and for My apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and prophets to pull themselves away and to give themselves to prayer and the study of the Word. That has not changed.

For even you have seen and recognized and you have experienced when you yourself have pulled away and spent time with Me in seasons and how it changed you, and how you heard from Me. And how there was a mark of My Spirit upon you and how you’ve seen it with others … yeah… even Patrick and how he was called out and how I moved supernaturally in his church and ministry. So don’t you see that this is the pattern and this is the beginning of the foundation of the Rock? Anything that is built without that will never succeed and will never endure the winds.

For even that which I spoke of and of being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only that when the storms and the winds of the enemy come they that do My Word and My will will never be blown over, but their house shall stand because they are founded on a sure Foundation. For these things are recorded for our admonition.

Look again and revisit the early Church and their beginnings and see how I protected and how I watched over and how I multiplied the Church. This will be the only thing that stands. This will be the only thing that will endure to the end and overcome the enemy and be a glorious Church.


And you also see the ending and you also see those who endured and those who laid down their lives and where they end up. Yes, that is a result of obeying the counsel of God. I see it… the martyrs and those that endured and those who did not love their lives unto death…the glorious place.

Oh, but Father, so many people have not seen nor have an understanding of what is to gain.

For even that as you have even preached yourself and have been dim of late, even that needs to come forth again … and the understanding of what is to gain and what is ahead and the glorious place that is theirs to gain.

We agree with You, Father, right now and for the utterances that will come forth in the days ahead, for not only the beginnings of the Church and the foundations of those words and things You’ve spoken and the pattern of the apostles and prophets and the men and women that were used, but also those things that are to be and to come to pass — revelations that we read.

We pray that there will be utterances and visions and dreams and things be given, so that Your people will have this hope and this understanding, which is ahead and which is to gain.

So we pray for utterances to come forth in Jesus Name.

We agree with You Father and we see that resurrection power that moves by Your Holy Spirit and that raised Christ from the dead and quickens our mortal bodies.

Move through our tongues to establish the kingdom of God and through our hands to demonstrate the power of God -- not only power to heal but power to establish; not only power to establish the kingdom of God, but power to protect the Church.

For Your power is available to us; not only this power to heal the sick and to raise the dead, but to establish the kingdom of God like Paul did on that island (Acts 28) and with the blindness (Acts 13:8).

And even as Peter did with Ananias and Sapphira — the power to protect!

For then you have the backing of heaven! For then you have the angels that hearken unto the voice of the Lord! Then you have all of heaven on your side!

Then shall it be as you’ve read in My Word with the prophets who saw by revelation those that were with them — those that fought with them (2 Kings 6:17)!

Then you shall see this anointing and this power for this is My Spirit that is the same yesterday, today, and forever! For Christ is the same and so is My Holy Spirit!

There is a power that is available that much of the Church has been ignorant of.

But oh if you understand and move in these things you shall see and understand it, and it shall be available to you.

This is what the apostle Paul wrote about when he said in Ephesians that you would know the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe according to the working of mighty power. This is what he was seeing and this is what he understood for there is a power greater that most of My saints and ministers and leaders do not understand. But I’m giving you an understanding now, so hearken unto this.

That which is built right and that which is built on the Word in establishing My kingdom and those who will put My Word before the wisdom of men shall see these things come to pass in this hour, for I have not changed and I have a work to do.

(Strong tongues and travail…)

There’s more coming…

Listen and do and obey those words that are written, and then you shall have that which you’ve seen in the early Church… that protection and that multiplication. For even that which you preached this past weekend how it is My order for My ministers and for My apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and prophets to pull themselves away and to give themselves to prayer and the study of the Word. That has not changed…

We agree with You, Father and we see that resurrection power that moves by Your Holy Spirit and that raised Christ from the dead and quickens our mortal bodies.

Move through our tongues to establish the kingdom of God and through our hands to demonstrate the power of God. Not only power to heal but power to establish; not only power to establish the kingdom of God, but power to protect the Church. For Your power is available to us; not only this power to heal the sick and to raise the dead, but to establish the kingdom of God like Paul did on that island (Acts 28) and with the blindness (Acts 13:8).

And even as Peter did with Ananias and Sapphira — the power to protect!

For then you have the backing of heaven! For then you have the angels that hearken unto the voice of the Lord! Then you have all of heaven on your side!

Then shall it be as you’ve read in My Word with the prophets who saw by revelation those that were with them — those that fought with them (2 Kings 6:17)!

Then you shall see this anointing and this power for this is My Spirit that is the same yesterday, today, and forever! For Christ is the same and so is My Holy Spirit!

There is a power that is available that much of the Church has been ignorant of. But oh if you understand and move in these things you shall see and understand it, and it shall be available to you.

This is what the apostle Paul wrote about when he said in Ephesians that you would know the exceeding greatness of His power to us who believe according to the working of mighty power. This is what he was seeing and this is what he understood for there is a power greater that most of My saints and ministers and leaders do not understand.

But I’m giving you an understanding now, so hearken unto this. That which is built right and that which is built on the Word in establishing My kingdom and those who will put My Word before the wisdom of men shall see these things come to pass in this hour, for I have not changed and I have a work to do.

(Strong tongues and heaving…)

There’s more coming…

And so admonish the pray-ers in this hour and this time…admonish them that they can help! Even as it was written in My Word in James 5:16 that the effectual working of My power would be made available to them (as they pray effectually and fervently)!

There’s no greater power than the power of God.

Birthed from these kinds of utterances and prayer, Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. His recent five-book bundle, written under a fresh anointing, is a forerunner of what the Lord is doing in His church today. His most read books are Cleansing The Temple and The Tumultuous 2020s and Beyond.

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Apr 01, 2024

"Amen" and this is so encouraging! I noticed too, that "this region" was mentioned--would that be N.H.--have there been other "words" or expectations that God would do a work here? To think of a move of God being of people finding a close, abiding fellowship with Him, along with growing in purity, is awesome! With that kind of depth, I'd think it would be harder for Satan to sabotage it...and it seems it would touch God's heart --I think of the beautiful verse, John 14:23!

Bert Farias
Bert Farias
Apr 02, 2024
Replying to

I’m not sure what region we were in when she prayed this.

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