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JIMMY CARTER’S CHRISTIANITY (Part 1 of a series on real Christianity)

Writer's picture: Bert FariasBert Farias

Imagine being confident and feeling secure in a salvation you don’t even possess. Enter Jimmy Carter.

Another example of what is wrong with much of America. This may seem insensitive to some, and I’m willing to take some flak for it, and sacrifice a sacred cow for the enlightenment and salvation of multitudes, but based on Carter’s life, he was not a born again believer.

Here is an astute observation from an Iranian born again refugee:

“Jimmy Carter, one of the worst presidents in American history is dead. His entire life he had an allegiance to a political party who has been pushing abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism, racism, and socialism. Carter’s foreign policy was the worst policy by betraying the Shah of Iran and supporting Ayatollah Khomeini who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, took American hostages, and Iran became the number one enemy of Israel, and the number one sponsor of terrorism. All the wars and terrorism in the Middle East started from there. Carter was an enemy of Israel and one of the dumbest people in American politics. Sorry, but there is nothing else that I can say about this man. I and millions of others became refugees because of Jimmy Carter.”

I agree with him, and from my personal perspective and judging by his fruit, as Jesus taught us to do, Jimmy Carter was religious but didn’t know the Lord. He is the perfect example of people who muddle through the religious motions, go to church, do good works, but don’t know the Lord. This describes a good portion of American Christianity. It’s one of satan’s great deceptions.

Carter even thought the Ayatollah Khomeini was a religious man like himself. What kind of believer compares his Christian faith to a terrorist maniac? Carter caused so much pain, suffering, and death even to this day. He hated Israel and called Israel “apartheid”. And there are others who have the same opinion of him.

Iranian born cardiologist Dr. Afshine Emrani had this to say about Carter:

“Carter, the so-called "man of peace," thought Yasser Arafat was a model leader, even advising him behind the scenes on how to polish his image. His disdain for Israel was palpable; he smeared the nation with baseless accusations of apartheid in his book's title and beyond, and didn't shy away from slandering Judaism itself.

“And let's not overlook his bizarre admiration for the Ayatollah Khomeini, whom he had the gall to call a "saint" and liken to Gandhi. His judgment was so clouded that he saw divinity in a man whose regime would plunge Iran into decades of darkness and oppression.

“Carter's legacy? A trail of diplomatic disasters and moral confusions. But the worst part? Barack Obama, that crafty serpent who fooled so many (my words), picked up where Carter left off, continuing to bolster the evil Iranian regime. Obama, with his deceitful charm, funneled billions back into Iran's coffers through the nuclear deal, essentially funding terrorism and the spread of Islamic extremism. His administration's policy was a disgrace, sacrificing American and Israeli security for a false peace with a regime that chants "Death to America."

Biden then became Obama’s puppet. Back in America’s younger days, both would be executed for treason.

And yes, Carter was responsible for the October 7th attack and slaughter of so many Israelis. Elections have consequences. Much more will be exposed.

Emrani concludes:

“Both Carter and Obama and now Biden, should be remembered not for their sanctimonious posturing, but for their role in enabling some of the darkest forces in the modern world. Carter and Obama started the EVIL Leftist marriage of Marxist and Islamist ideology. Trump will end this.”

2024 will be remembered as the beginning of the end of this evil reign. And as the pattern we see in the Old Testament, 2025 is the beginning of the reign of the good kings, and another miracle on God’s timeline.

The evangelism of this sort of evil and social, political, and economic insanity in America will finally end. Many are seeing the Light and will turn back to the Living God. Although some hyper-spiritualists are still touting America’s doom, and dressing up Trump’s re-election as American nationalism, and the “great falling away”, I don’t see it that way at all.

I see it as a part of a great awakening in America. As a nation, America, like the prodigal son is coming to its senses and returning home from the pig pen and from eating the slop of wokism and Marxist ideology.

2025 should be a year of joy because of the harvest of souls that will be reaped. Every God-fearing church should take advantage of this window of mercy God has granted and go hard after souls.

America is sick and tired of religion and its backsliding ways. Wokism has backfired and awakened many. God has remembered the covenant our forefathers made, and He is answering our prayers.

It’s time to lift up our eyes saints! The harvest is white, and the prodigals are coming home!

“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. His recent five-book bundle, written under a fresh anointing, is a forerunner of what the Lord is doing in His church today. His newest releases, Turning Your Trials Into Gold, is a powerful testimony of how God raised up Bert and his wife Carolyn from a sick bed and near death. And then the one just published that affects all of us, Unveiling The Mystery of Death.

For those with further interest in real Christianity, please refer to Bert's Real series: The Real Salvation, The Real Gospel, The Real Jesus, and The Real Spirit of Revival.

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