For those who may not know, we had a conviction to start a School Of Prayer at the end of last year — a once-a-week, year-long series of episodes to teach and disciple believers by precept and example in prayer. There has been a rich grace on these sessions beyond even my early expectations.
A pastor friend of mine testified before his congregation this week to what a blessing these lessons have been to him. And he is a fine minister full of the Word and the Spirit! But even ministers need great encouragement in this hour concerning their personal prayer lives.
After watching our last episode of a lengthy demonstration of what it can look like to minister to the Lord, another ministerial couple told me that they were moved deeply. “How necessary this is for the body of Christ right now!” they said.
You see, some believers, only live off the Sunday morning church worship experience. That’s okay, but without a personal and private prayer life and walk with the Lord, the fruit of the individual believer will be minimal. True worship and ministering to the Lord is much more foundational than what most believers know. Everything flows from that place.
The recent demonstration video, episode 14, offers the believer a peek into what ministering to the Lord in the Spirit can look like. It’s a long video and could be watched in smaller segments according everyone’s individual hunger. In fact, I began this entire school of prayer sharing on the importance of spiritual hunger. With me, prayer has always primarily been an appetite.
Here’s an interesting quote:
“Worship and spiritual hunger make you so attractive to God that your circumstances cease to matter anymore. He will move heaven and earth to find a worshiper. When you begin to worship with all your being and desire, your heart turns Him toward you. You capture His attention and attract His affection.” Tommy Tenney
Isn’t that a great quote? In 43 years of serving the Lord, I have found through experience, that this is absolutely true. It’s just as the old famous hymn so marvelously and beautifully says:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of this world shall grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.”
I believe the next move of God or wave of the Spirit is worship and family focused.
If you’re interested in viewing or participating in this school of prayer, all 14 episodes that we’ve done so far are on our YT channel: Holy Fire Ministries under School Of Prayer. Here's the link:
Just look it up if you’re interested or hungry for this sort of discipleship. I recommend starting with the first episode. There's no cost, and you can watch at your own convenience. I’m even hoping some churches will make it a part of a community discipleship school of prayer.
May God's richest communion with Him be yours.
Bert Farias' books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and the turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day. His recent five-book bundle, written under a fresh anointing, is a forerunner of what the Lord is doing in His church today. His two most recent releases, TONGUES: THE ELEVATION OF A MYSTERY, and ACTS 19: THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH will enrich your prayer life and understanding.