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Writer's picture: Bert FariasBert Farias

Pray for our brave and fearless leader.  So many layers of corruption in the Biden administration and prior ones are being peeled back and removed. I stand in awe of this awakening unto God and righteousness in our land. Obama and crooked Hillary committed high treason. If tried, they, as well as Biden could be executed. Clinton and many other high-end politicians are being investigated for their many flights and ventures on Epstein island. The degree of sex-trafficking they were involved in will make America puke. The  level of wickedness will be shocking to many.  Trump’s administration is committed to “chasing them to the ends of the earth”. This is why the Demoncrats are freaking out. That is the root of why Trump has been so persecuted, falsely accused, and opposed. His comeback story is one for the ages.
Pray for our brave and fearless leader. So many layers of corruption in the Biden administration and prior ones are being peeled back and removed. I stand in awe of this awakening unto God and righteousness in our land. Obama and crooked Hillary committed high treason. If tried, they, as well as Biden could be executed. Clinton and many other high-end politicians are being investigated for their many flights and ventures on Epstein island. The degree of sex-trafficking they were involved in will make America puke. The  level of wickedness will be shocking to many.  Trump’s administration is committed to “chasing them to the ends of the earth”. This is why the Demoncrats are freaking out. That is the root of why Trump has been so persecuted, falsely accused, and opposed. His comeback story is one for the ages.

Look for the sex trafficking violations and their pedophilea activities to add another level of the stunning allegations that will shock America.

Five years ago I was given video footage of the dark web from an expert hacker, and me and my family witnessed these horrendous crimes against children by the highest authorities in our land. These high end politicians and Hollywood celebs were leading the way in the large sex trafficking rings in our nation. It is the reason Sean Diddy’s evil has been uncovered and he is now in prison. He’s an agent of Satan. A modern day Charles Manson, but twice the child of hell.


And you hyper-spiritualists wanted to make the entire Trump election about “Christian” nationalism and idolatry and discouraging people to cast their vote for Trump. Give me a massive break! A few were even trying to sell us their revelations on “situationalism” and how  unscriptural it was to vote for “the lesser of two evils” — one particular astute constitutionalist pastor even mocking me to his followers for my stand on Trump, while he voted for an unknown candidate as a write-in. I respect his convictions, but I simply told him he should recognize where God is working and not waste his vote. Other Christians and ministers couldn’t get past Trump’s hot-blooded temperament and foul-mouth and tried to warn us that his divisiveness wasn’t good for the Church or the nation. What they failed to discern was that truth and light not only unites but divides. Our business-savvy, anti-establishment president is just what the doctor ordered for our sin-sick government and nation. Oh how I thank the Lord for such a gift to America and the world! And no, he is not the Antichrist. Get a grip!

My question is this: Where are these hyper-spiritualists now as God uses Trump to clean house and drain the swamp of wickedness and corruption in our government, and fulfills present and decade-old prophecies of leading America back to God? You ought to be ashamed of yourself warning Americans not to vote for Trump!

And you so called ministers of the Lord and professing believers who allowed yourself to vote color instead of character in the Obama years, and then casting your vote for Biden and Harris, you really need to repent. You’ve been sold the racism lie, and you fell for it. Come out of your Demoncratic plantation now before it’s too late. You all should plead ignorance and receive mercy. Such a lack of discernment should disqualify you from ministry.

Truth be told, Obama is a modern-day king Herod who opened the door in this nation to a principality and power that did untold damage and wreaked such evil havoc on America that put such a demonic spell over our country. We are seeing the remains of it in such moronic politicians like Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, and their kind who are making fools of themselves on national TV right now. I got news for you: it’s too late. The American people have seen the light, or should I say, darkness. This could very well be the end of this evil party. They dug their own grave and are now burying themselves.

Some even played down the assssination attempts on Trump, nearly calling it coincidental and implying that it means nothing. One even went so far as to say that those who voted  for Trump and refused the Exodus 18:21 character qualifications for voting in leaders, warning us that the death angel would visit them as they did in Egypt of old for those who didn’t apply the blood of lambs over the doorposts, and for him, that meant to vote righteously. This is why I call these ministers hyper-spiritualists in a sense. And btw, these are not false ministers; they are godly men but just too far out there for me. Why do we go from one ditch to another? And just to qualify all this, I believe in voting as close to Ex. 18:21 as possible, but that’s a big ship to turn right now in present-day America. After all, we are voting for a president, not a pastor. But somehow God is using President Trump to do what seemed impossible at one point.

Nearly every day I am following the exploits of this strong and courageous president and his amazing team, and delighting myself in the answers to so many of our prayers for God to root out wickedness and corruption from our government, so that righteousness can be exalted again in our land. Glory to God! In one term we went from mourning to rejoicing!

My fellow believers, I hope you understand that what we are witnessing now is one of the great stories of this young century, and perhaps in the history of our government. Let us continue to watch and pray for all those in authority, especially our president. The job and the fulfillment of his promises and agenda is just beginning.

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