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Holy Fire Ministries International

Impacting Nations, Fathering Leaders

After much thought, prayer, and counsel, at the leading of the Lord we have instituted a new arm to Holy Fire Ministries. With eldership agreement, we are now set up apostolically to license, ordain, mentor, and father the younger generations (and we don't just mean younger in age, but in maturity, and those who are asking for it relationally). We've done this all along but now it is more official. We are getting many invitations, especially overseas from many we do not know. This has necessitated forming this separate arm to help those we do know.

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The new arm is called HOLY FIRE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL working alongside and under the umbrella of APOSTOLIC TEAM MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL (ATMI). It is more relational and not just paper membership. In other words, we are not desirous of mentoring and fathering anyone we do not know personally.


In our upcoming Fall Holy Ghost Forum, we will be licensing and/or ordaining our first small batch of ministers who have expressed interest in being a part of our worldwide global network.


The lights are on in America, but nobody's home. What I mean is that there are too many voices in the body of Christ in this country and teachers are in abundance. True fathers are few, and all the more in the nations. Do not respond to this post if we do not know you personally. And if you do know us personally, please private message us if you are interested in knowing more.

In His Glad Service,

Bert & Carolyn Farias

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